Jobs adds

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  • Other

    Published on 17 July 2024
    Name : Phatida BOLO
    Age : 32 ans
    E-mail :
    Degree obtained: Licence Professionnelle Management de la qualité
    Date of obtaining: from 3 to 10 years
    Situation: Other
    Geographic area: CACEM
    Type of pharmacy: Indifferent
    Night pharmacy: No
    Number of hours / week: 35
    Date of availability: 07 July 2024
  • Substitute pharmacist

    Published on 17 July 2024
    Name : Jacqueline BATTET-CHOUT
    Age : 62 ans
    E-mail :
    Degree obtained: Docteur en pharmacie
    Date of obtaining: + 10 years
    Situation: Substitute pharmacist
    Geographic area: Fort de France
    Type of pharmacy: Indifferent
    Date of availability: 01 June 2025
  • BP preparator

    Published on 17 July 2024
    Name : Charlotte Gourdin
    Age : 28 ans
    E-mail :
    Degree obtained: BP preparateur + CQP dermocosmetique
    Date of obtaining: from 3 to 10 years
    Situation: BP preparator
    Type of pharmacy: Indifferent